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Noise cancelling headphones, perfect for work and play.
When it comes to eliminating ambient noise, Bose wireless noise cancelling headphones do it best. As the inventors of noise cancellation technology, Bose spent decades of research and development creating noise cancelling headphones. These headphones eliminate unwanted background sounds, like street noise, without diminishing audio quality. We also ensure they are comfortable to wear for hours. Active noise cancellation (ANC) technology uses tiny microphones to measure surrounding sounds and send reversed audio that cancels background noise, making ANC headphones perfect for phone calls, airplanes, daily work commutes, and more.
Our noise cancelling headphones can also be set to transparency mode, or Aware Mode, so certain noises feed through, allowing you to hear what’s going on around you without compromising sound quality. If you need more information on noise cancelling headphones, check out this guide: How does noise cancelling work and learn how our wireless noise cancelling headphones eliminate ambient noise.