Partner Perks
Employees of select partners can sign into My Bose using their employee email address to activate exclusive discounts and benefits.
How to use your Partner Perks
Step 1. Sign in to My Bose with your employee email
Use your work email address to get started. A verification code will be sent to the entered email address.
Step 2. Verify your account
Enter your verification code, set a password, and make sure to agree to receive Bose emails and notifications when creating your account.
Step 3. Start shopping
Enjoy a discount on each purchase until you hit your spending limit. Keep an eye on your work email inbox for exclusive offers.
Aviation partners
Aviation partners have unique purchase benefits for A30 and ProFlight Series 2 Aviation Headsets. Use your work email address to learn more.
Bose employees and retirees
Current Bose employees as well as Bose retirees can also enjoy exclusive savings when you sign into My Bose with an approved Bose credential.